Om Birla – The ‘Never Before’ Speaker

For the next five years, all his actions will be weighed on the scale of neutrality.…

Utopia Dystopia

Technophile Modi’s picture of a futuristic society is based on technology, By Parsa Venkateshwar Rao Jr

Modi’s $ 5 Trillion Economy Dream

It is not just that the government of the day is tweaking GDP figures - by…

Secret of Small Budget Films’s Big Success

Small Budget films are showing the mirror of society-By Geeta Singh

The Right & Right To Education

The New Education Policy suggests increasing spending on education from 10% of total government expenditure to…

Society After the Ayodhya Verdict?

The two prominent Muslim bodies continue to slug it out, how has the average Muslim reacted…

Supreme Power of Supreme Court

The Supreme Court had a sense of urgency, and perhaps a little activism By Virag Gupta…

The Baba-Neta Parivar

They love each other. More precisely, they need each other. Politicians need babas for their vote…

Privacy, Legalities, Feasabilities

Perhaps the most crucial judgement in the history of Indian jurisprudence, the Right To Privacy order…

Big Baba Business

The Babas have moved from the world of spiritualism to a spirited life of unaccounted wealth…